six years ago i brought home a surprise gift for gianna. it was a budgie, or for those who do not purchase birds, a parakeet. it was a small yellow bird, rather unassuming. soon after that an explosion of animals in our home occurred. at one point we had two rabbits, five birds, and a large tank of fish. over time we have had birds and fish die. the rabbits have a new home, and once my pleko died the fish tank was simply too much work. so now we are back to having one bird. sundrop. who would have thought that we would come full circle and be back to where we all started. strange. francis smokey and sundrop carmel duster azul
Hey, you forgot to mention that it was right after my brain injury! And it's good thing that Sundrop is still around since I may not have remembered him otherwise!
Hey, you forgot to mention that it was right after my brain injury! And it's good thing that Sundrop is still around since I may not have remembered him otherwise!
Aw. Azul and Francis were so cute.
I'm ready for another bird--a bigger one this time. Probably like Ann's Nicki.
The sun conjure? I don't know ANYTHING about bird species!
Yeah, though her's isn't a sun conure, it's St. Thomas, I believe. As much as I cringe about using it, wikipedia is a good spot to look at conures.
But your family isn't really shrinking from what I understand. Congrats.
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