Monday, August 17, 2009

mmm, puffball anyone?

every year a crop of giant puffballs crop up in our back yard. some years are better growing years than others. cool temps, lots of rain at the right time and voila! you get puffballs!! when we first bought out home we had a few very large puffballs grow. they were bigger than gianna's head. literally not figuratively. this year in order to get a good perspective i had the girls pose next to some of the puffballs. as and added bonus - they are edible. simply slice them like bread and saute in butter. make sure that they are completely white with no brown beginning to show. i personally do not like them, but it is considered a delicacy.


librariane said...

That second picture is hilarious.

Do you offer them to anyone that does like puffball? I always liked jumping on them when they did get past their prime...

Jenny Aust said...

These pictures are CRAZY! Yeah, pretty sure I couldn't eat them either!

Sandy said...

There Huge!!! Great pics

The hopeless gardener said...

ben reese usually takes one each year.

librariane said...

Have you heard from Melody yet? Did she try one?